Customizing the Travel Experience, Swain Destinations is the leading U.S. provider of completely customized exotic vacation experiences. Since 1987, Co–Founders Ian and Linda Swain, and their dedicated team of destination experts, have offered American travelers the opportunity to design distinctive trips to intriguing international locales.
To exceed expectations in providing unique travel experiences while operating with the unwavering core values of a family business. To utilize our destination expertise and passion for travel, develop customized trips that create lasting memories, broaden the awareness of other cultures and enrich the lives of clients.
Customizing the Travel Experience.

Why Swain Destinations?

Destination Expertise

Local Expertise

Passionate travel specialists with first-hand destination expertise.
Family-Run Business

Family-Run Business

Family owned and operated with a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Customized Travel

Customized Travel

Fully personalized itineraries to suit a variety of specific interests, styles and budget levels.
Formal Logo

Formal Logo

The Swain Destinations logo has been designed to be utilized in several possible combinations. The the formal logo is complete with the symbol, brand name, and vision statement.
Regular Logo

Regular Logo

The second logo is less formal, but it still represents the full brand. This is the version of the logo that may be used to symbolize partnership with other companies.
Informal Logo

Informal Logo

The third logo is the most casual and may be used for familiar audiences, informal communications, and “teasers” in advertisement. This logo may also be used as a symbol or watermark.
Logo Margins

Logo Margins

The margins around the logo should be equal to the width of the letter W as it appears in the word “Swain”.

Brand Colors


C: 99 M: 76 Y: 8 K: 0
R: 0 G: 82 B: 154


C: 81 M: 4 Y: 82 K: 0
R: 0 G: 170 B: 101


C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0
R: 255 G: 255 B: 255

Dark Blue

C: 100 M: 91 Y: 40 K: 47
R: 12 G: 29 B: 69


C: 25 M: 20 Y: 20 K: 0
R: 192 G: 191 B: 191


C: 75 M: 70 Y: 60 K: 75
R: 27 G: 26 B: 32


Primary Typeface: Gotham

Gotham is the major typeface in all brand materials, print and digital advertisements, correspondence, and online presence. When in doubt, use Gotham.

Secondary Typeface: Essonnes

This typeface may be used for headlines and visual contrast.

Decorative Typeface: Selima

Used only in special cases for decorative headlines.

Brand Goals



To offer customized trips of a lifetime to off-the-beaten-track destinations.

Clear Messages

To convey a strong, unified message across all channels of communication.

Emotional Connection

To ensure travelers fall in love with the destinations they visit.

Travel Community

To partner with U.S.–based travel consortia and maintain an active community through social media.

Latest Trends

To stay aware of the latest news in luxury and adventure travel.

Competition Awareness

To stay up-to-date with competitors and constantly improve services.
My Role in the Project


Compiling all the information about the brand that needs to be standardized.


Laying the information out in a way that is easy to follow for all staff and partners.

Let's Work Together