Itinerary Day by Day

The Whole Trip in Your Hands

At Swain Destinations, Travel Experts work closely with clients to create individualized itineraries that suit their interests and budgets. When a proposal is ready, the client receives a full itinerary with day-by day activities, reservation vouchers and more. From there, the client can book the itinerary, reject it, or save for later.

This functionality is powered by a Customer Relationship Management software that the developer team and I customized to suit the company's needs.

Every Detail is Covered

Every tab on the itinerary contains pertinent information, such as hotel check-in times, included amenities, flight details, visa information, emergency contacts, etc. Travelers have all the information they need for the whole trip, from start to finish.
Remaining Itinerary Information
Remaining Itinerary Information

For Your Reference

If clients choose to book, the full details of their itinerary stay with them for future reference during the trip.
My Role in the Project


Adapting the previous system of proposals to a new digital format, while researching competitors' approaches to itinerary presentation.


Proposing and implementing design solutions, working closely with the back-end web developer to adapt the CRM software to the new branded look.

Let's Work Together